A repeat of a poll we did back in 2019 for the International Day for Tolerance, a UN observance dedicated to “strengthening tolerance by fostering mutual understanding among cultures and peoples”. This is a goal I wholeheartedly support, and I hope my poll on the subject of fragrance-related tolerance will not be taken as making light of a serious topic. This just isn’t the place for the discussion of serious topics, hence our handy dandy keep-the-peace comment policy.
1. Name a fragrance or a fragrance note (or a brand?) you are slowly learning to tolerate?
2. Name a fragrance you thought you hated, but loved when you smelled it on someone else?
3. Name a fragrance or a fragrance note you will probably never be able to tolerate?
Or, as always, just talk about something else…
Note: top image is Elogio della differenza ! / A Tribute to diversity ! [cropped] by Hervé Simon at flickr; some rights reserved.