PSA: We will hold a splitmeet 2 weeks from today, on November 2. Meanwhile, we’ve got five questions to while away the always, answer as many or as few as you like, or use the 3 day weekend to answer a couple a day, or just talk about something else.
1. What’s your fragrance today?
2. If you were giving advice to a new perfumista — someone just falling down the rabbit hole this year — what would it be?
3. Are you angling to buy a new perfume soon, and what is it?
4. Do you think you will buy a fragrance-related advent calendar this year? If so, which one?
5. What’s your absolute favorite home fragrance product lately? It can be anything — a candle, incense, burning paper or spray.
6. Share something wonderful with us! It can be anything: something you discovered, or ate, or saw, or bought, or that happened to you recently.
Note: top image is Thistledown Farm [cropped] by David Geitgey Sierralupe at flickr; some rights reserved.